Which one would you pick?

Which one would you pick?

Despite the week long over indulgences of Christmas and New Year, today surprisingly kicks off National Buffet Week. Just when you thought you were safe from bad food and temptation they go and make a day of it so perhaps you need to start that New Year diet one day later- it won’t hurt right? It got me thinking about all the food on offer on a buffet table and how your choices are indicative of who you look for in your romantic life!

 1.    The Sausage Roll


A little chunky, but not fat, the well roundedness of a ‘real’ man, who has a strong and meaty centre. Think James Martin! Someone that lacks the tough exterior of some men and wears his heart on his sleeve.


  1. 2.    The Cheese and Picked Onion Combo


This is guy doesn’t know what he wants- he’s confusing and indecisive- is he sharp or soft, bad for you or leaves a lasting impression? This kind of man is dangerous to be with because you lose sight of yourself while you are with him.


  1. 3.    The Chicken Nugget


He is a bit rough around the edges, dimply and freckly- an unconventional attractiveness that is just as appealing as the typical pretty boy because he might have been overlooked by other women. His modesty is in-tact but his quiet confidence is so sexy! Tom Hardy eat your heart out! 


  1. 4.    The Vol Au Vent


He lures you with his suave accent and smooth nature. But he is flaky- non committal and so easy going you wish he would take the lead for once in his life. These men are lazy, careless, dishonest and unreliable- everything you don't need in a partner! He talks the talk but can't walk the walk!

  1. 5.    Pizza


You know he will do bad things to you but you can’t resist him anyway! He is good in the short term but in the long haul he makes you feel bad about yourself- but is he worth it all- oh yes! Aka Colin Farrell!


And here’s what the girls think about their men!


‘My guy is like a spring roll- he is long (tall!) and looks hard but only I know he’s soft and gooey on the inside.’ Laura


‘My man reminds me of pepperoni pizza because that is all he eats!’ Rowina


‘He is like a sausage roll because he is round and soft in the middle!’ Adreana


‘My husband is like spicy chicken- he is hot, lean and tasty!’ Jennifer

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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