Many couples struggle with respect. Perhaps you and your partner share different definitions of the word. Maybe one or both of you does not have a great model of a respectful relationship. The best way to gain mutual respect in a relationship is to be the first to show it. Here are ten ways to do so:

Do you have mutual respect in your relationship?

Do you have mutual respect in your relationship?

Find the common ground

Teaching, learning and the simplicity of exchanging ideas are magic in a relationship. These things build familiarity, and depending on what you're discussing, trust.

Don't dive in head first

It takes time to get to know each other before intimacy is introduced. If you're planning on a lasting relationship, wait to have sex until you've established a solid foundation.

Maintain other interests

It's not the end of the world if you and your partner are into different things. Have interests and friends of your own; preserve your individual personalities. Being able to share another point of view can keep things moving in the relationship.

Give your partner space

It's enough just to be with each other. Don't feel as though you must entertain your partner or woo them every moment of the day. Similarly, don't make your partner feel that they must do that for you!

Learn about your partner

As relationships grow, we tend to expect the other person to supply all the romance. Take time to understand what your partner needs to feel cared about. Some people need physical contact; others enjoy gifts or affirmations. Show them you love them in the way that is most effective to them, not necessarily to you.

Be patient

Life is a challenging school of constant learning. Some learn slower than others. Be patient if your partner isn't catching on right away to the way you recognize their love for you.

Defend your partner If your partner is being mistreated, don't stand by. Defend your partner's honor and wellbeing.

Know the importance of family

Our families play a huge part in shaping our personalities. Get to know your partner's family, and be considerate of your partner's relationships with them.

Acknowledge your partner's contributions

In what ways does your partner make your life easier? Sometimes what begins as a routine, like washing the dishes after dinner or paying the bills, can turn into daily time of resentment. A simple hug with an "I appreciate everything you do for us" can work wonders.


Everyone makes mistakes, especially in relationships. What happens when your partner lets you down? Will you instantly end the relationship? Forgive whenever possible. In situations like affairs, the issue typically arises because the primary relationship is lacking in some way. Work together to find the solution-don't just give up.

By Jim Arnold, author of "My Angel of Angels"

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