Just over two-thirds of women (68%) and a quarter of men (28%) have faked having an orgasm to spare their partner's feelings, according to a survey by online sex toy retailer Lovehoney. How can you tell if her oohs and aahs are real? Lovehoney sex and relationship expert Annabelle Knight provides 7 tips.

Sex on Female First

Sex on Female First

 It’s too good to be true

Genuine orgasms aren't always sexy in the traditional sense of the word. People in the throes of ecstasy contort their faces into strange shapes, make awkward sounds, and pant loudly like dogs in heat. This is not always cute.

If her expressions and sighs seem measured and harmonised, rather than breathless and random, she's probably just rolling out the show she knows you want to see.

She Doesn't Look You In the Eyes

We get a natural high post orgasm. Our body releases oxytocin (which scientists have dubbed "the cuddle chemical") which makes us feel good.  It is natural to want some kind of confirmation of a job well done - the squeeze of the arm, a tender kids. If you peer into her eyes and say, “That was amazing" and she actively avoids eye contact and mumbles something about it being “pretty good,” she could well be hiding something.

She orgasms like Sally in When Harry Met Sally

We all know the hilarious diner scene in the movie When Harry Met Sally, where Megan Ryan’s character Sally fakes a very noisy orgasm. Who has ever been on the receiving end of an orgasm like that? If she starts shouting and writhing wildly during the act, and you're left wondering how in the world you managed to make her so happy, you should sound the alarm.

She Looks Visibly Uncomfortable When Anyone Mentions Faking It

The subject of  fake orgasms comes up when you’re out with friends. You laugh boisterously - but she is not sharing the joke. She looks edgy and uncomfortable. It's not that she’s afraid to talk about sex; she just doesn’t want to give your (lacking) game away. Accept the small act of kindness and start putting in more effort.

She Pats You on the Back When It's Over

A pat on the back, a condescending smile, an encouraging word. All of these things boil down to one emotion: pity.

She Brings Up Her Multi-Orgasmic Friend

If she repeatedly mentions her friend’s superhuman ability to climax, she is probably dropping hints.  What this means is that she hates faking it, but she can’t go back now that she’s begun.

She's Saying Words Like "faster" and "more"

Sorry, this is her telling you to get on with it and get off. No woman approaching orgasm is telling anyone to hurry along.

Her Timing Is Impeccable

It's absolutely possible -  if not probable - for the contractions of a woman's orgasm to massage a man's member into the same. Lovehoney found that experienced lovers experienced shared orgasms only around a third of the time.

Don't believe it every time if you see it.

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