Love is something that we all try to compare ourselves to others in. Who is getting married first? Who is having babies first? When do you tell someone that you are in love with them? There are no answers to these questions because every couple is different and comparing ourselves to other couples only puts unwanted pressure on our relationships.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Where once men and women, on a lot of these questions might have considerably differed, now seem to meet in the middle. It may be that people now feel their late twenties are the best time to get married, rather than early twenties like their parents. According to 22% thought that between 26 and 29 was the ideal age to tie the knot.

This time was also thought by both to be the best to begin a family as well as buy a house. So it seems like the late twenties are a busy time in lots of couple’s lives today!

For our parents it was very different, most of these big events occurred early in their twenties. However having more life experience, being a little more self-aware and having the time to save for a deposit are all reasons why this has been put back a few years.

62% of couples would not contemplate opening a joint bank account until they had secured all of the things above.

Despite all the practicalities involved with growing older together, the romance is not lost in a modern day relationship. 43% of men say ‘I love you’ as soon as the feeling comes, compared to 28% of women. 21% of men are also happy to talk about exes however 26% of women will never even entertain the thought!

5% think that meeting the parents is something that should be done a few months down the line, however a third of men are happy to do right away.

Both men and women feel that the man should be older when looking for a new partner, 32% think five years and more is about the right amount for an age difference.

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