Enjoy your favourite film together

Enjoy your favourite film together

It’s National Tortilla Chip Day, and I don’t know about you but that conjures up images of two people, in love, on the couch munching on this snack while watching a movie on TV. So we are celebrating why those nights in with your partner are so precious.

Couple Time

It’s very rare during the week that you get time for just the both of you. You tend to talk about work when you come home, so you are on a constant high from remembering things or thinking about the next day. People call around unexpectedly or you try and cram in things you don’t want to do on the weekend- like the gym. On a weekend you can crack open a bottle of wine, lock the front door, get some snacky food or a take away and watch trash TV without a care in the world for a couple of days.

Time to Talk

During the week, there is time to talk, but you don’t. You are not in the frame of mind to focus on your feelings; you are simply programmed to think about work. All the touchy feely stuff comes out more freely when you are most relaxed. Nothing makes people talk more than bonding over some informal food, even if it’s between you on the couch rather than in front of you on a table.

Duvet Days

For those who spend their working week in a pant suit, kicking back in your pjs with a duvet is the best medicine. You don’t have to get up early to do your makeup or dry your hair and iron your shirt- you can get up and not worry about changing your attire or your appearance. Meal and snack times shift to later in the day to when you want them rather than when it’s scheduled in.

Cheap and Cheerful

Selecting a movie from Netflix or LoveFilm or your personal collection, and grabbing something out the cupboard is much less stressful for your bank account- it can cost you nothing or a couple of notes for this type of night in with your partner. Going out for a meal is great, but there is all the fuss of getting dressed up, booking it, feeling uncomfortable because you don’t understand what’s on the menu, all the while worrying if you can afford the bill at the end. At home you can turn up to the table how you like and feel totally at ease while no worrying about the cost.

Off to bed

Bed is right there- so if either of you are feeling the energy rush from your food of choice and fancy some sexy time- there is nothing stopping you. Not the taxi-ride home, not the feeling of being too old to stay our any longer, not the worry about the bill and how you are going to pay for groceries this month. All of those stresses of a night out are gone and all you have to worry about is getting up the stairs and taking off your clothes.



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