www.vouchercodespro.co.uk has found that Brits are desperate to delete their digital footprint following a relationship breakdown, taking between 3-15 days to remove any visible trace of their time together. It takes on average 17 hours before a person changes their status on Facebook to let the world know that they are single again.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Generally it’s a 50/50 split as to who ends a relationship when it comes to the genders, however the one who has been dumped rarely knows it’s coming, with a massive 78% who are shocked by the break up.

A natural reaction to a break up is to remove any trace of their ex from their lives as well as the usual feeling of being heartbroken and sad, however many believe that deleting a person from their life helps with these feelings.

The first thing that many people do once a relationship is over is to take any pictures of their ex down from Facebook, or on their phones and delete all emails from their inbox. As well as electronic reminders there are also the physical gifts bought by an ex as well as belongings that they may have left at their house- they also get the can. Finally their ex-partner’s number is deleted from their phone in the hope that their name never pops up in their messages or caller id again.

Dumpees take their time on doing this with a 15 day window where most have gotten rid of any signs they were in a relationship. The dumpers, however take just three days given that they knew it was coming a lot sooner and probably had time to get their heard around it- unlike their grieving ex.  

Facebook is the thing that most people rush to alter; their status to the world, with less than a day to log on and update their dating preference- people waste no time in letting their friends know that they are on the market again.

George Charles, spokesperson for VoucherCodesPro.co.uk, said the following: “Social media has become such a key part of our lives, it’s almost like a relationship doesn’t exist until it’s official on Facebook, and similarly it’s not officially over until it’s announced on Facebook. Those who have been dumped typically take longer to remove their ex from their life, as we imagine most of them are sat hoping they made a mistake and will come back. A relationship breaking down is never easy, even if you’re the one ending it, but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with keeping on to reminders – some day you may look back and have fond memories without the pain that is initially attached to the breakup.”

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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