Christmas is a time when many people are trying to decide once and for all "Should I stay or should I go?" It is a well-reported fact that January is boom time for divorces as they reach their peak for the year. This is for several reasons:

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Top 5 reasons Christmas and New Year end in divorce.

1. Couples are spending quality time with each other without the distractions of the school run and work. There is more focus on each other and so if the relationship has rocky foundations the cracks may begin to show.

2. Tensions can run high over the Xmas period especially over things like looking after the kids or cooking. If one partner feels the other is not pulling their weight it can cause arguments.

3. Spending time with the in-laws can be tricky if you don't see eye to eye. This can put pressure on couples if they don't have each other's back.

4. Christmas is traditionally a time for family so many people try to see it through before leaving. It can also be the final nail in the coffin for some if things don't go well over the festive period.

5. The New Year symbolises a fresh start so it makes sense to leave at this time. Many people decide to start the year with new goals and a new outlook.

If you find yourself in this situation it's a good idea to make sure you have no regrets before you leave. Divorce is never easy and needs careful consideration. It can seem like the simple way out when you are unhappy but it does cause ripple effects across the rest of your life including friends, family, career and health. I always advise clients to do what they can to make sure they are making the right decision before they walk away from their marriage.

Many people can however save their relationship, just by having open communication about how they feel. Being honest with each other in a calm and caring way can be a game changer one way or the other.

If you are still unsure about whether to stay or go, or perhaps your partner is not willing to communicate with you, then you may want to look at other ways to help you reach your decision.

Escaping from your daily routine is always a good chance to get some perspective on how you feel. Going on a retreat designed to focus on you, your health, fitness, yoga or just a short break away can do you the world of good. Once you have a chance to focus on you and what really makes you happy you will be in a stronger position to make better life decisions.

There is specific help available now to for those of you deciding to go ahead with a divorce. You could attend a divorce or break-up recovery retreat to learn ways of coping and techniques to move you forward.

Whatever your decision I hope that 2017 brings you peace, happiness and laughter. Life is short and we only life once so it's always a good idea to make the most of it.

Sara Davison is a break-up and divorce coach. To book your one-to-one coaching or book a place on her next divorce retreat log on to or follow her on facebook or twitter

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