Even though a couple's bed is designed for sleeping, snuggling and sex, they tend to make their beds a multifunctional place that's riddled with technology, stains and crumbs according to Naturalmat, the natural mattress makers. We take a look at the guilty habits of lovers between the sheets.

Using technology in bed!

Using technology in bed!

Checking I-Pads/I-Phones in bed- Even though it's been proven that devices such as this make it more difficult to get to sleep, couples can't resist one last look at Facebook, the net or You Tube before bed. Your sex life is taking a hit for cute cat videos and 'friend' snooping- think about it!

Not changing sheets as often as you should- When a couple climbs into bed at the end of a long day, the last thing they want to do is get out and change the sheets. Sadly, if this happens every night, many partners are stewing in their own bed filth every time they go to sleep. That's a delicious combination of lube, sweat, make-up, moisturiser, deodorant, skin and sexual secretions.

Watching TV- Why watch TV in your living room when you can do so in the comfort of your own bed? All you have to do is click a button and turn over once it's finished and you're ready for sleepy time. With that said- if you've paid for a whole house- you might as well use all the rooms.

Drinking and eating late- While watching TV, it's tempting to have some snacks and drinks at the same time. The reality is- you no longer share your bed with one another but also remnants of your bedtime binges. Yummy!

Being a nosy neighbour- If things are kicking off next door, it's difficult to drown out the drama. Instead you both fall silent and start to feel better about your relationship at the expense of your neighbour's.

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