We talk to Anjula Muntanda, celebrity psychologist, on why we are far more likely to succeed in spring – and why she has made spring resolutions for years.

Why is the New Year’s resolution dead?

New year’s resolutions are dead! Why? Because psychologically we are still in hibernation mode. Our desire to do something new may be high, but our motivation and drive at this time of year are low, and we are more prone to self-sabotage our own resolutions! Therefore this makes it almost impossible to commit to something for longer than a few days!

What are spring resolutions and why are physical surroundings and psychological mind-set different in the spring?

Spring resolutions are our opportunity to commit ourselves to a new plan of action, with the added bonus of our environment becoming more appealing. We can't help but be positively affected by seeing blooming daffodils. Add to this the positive effects on mood of having more light for longer during the day and we can really kick start our spring resolve.

Why is a spring clean in our lives beneficial to our wellbeing?

A spring clean is very beneficial to well-being. We can feel as though we are literally throwing off winter. De cluttering our mental as well as our physical space, means that we are actually creating room for new opportunities.

When did you begin making spring resolutions and why?

I stopped making New year’s resolutions a few years ago, because like so many other people, I became disheartened at feeling as though I wasn't able to follow through- and this made me feel like I'd failed I realised that for me, Spring itself acted as a great motivator. More light, and ditching the winter coat and boots, meant I could just get outside! And the bonus is that I keep the resolutions that I make in Spring. I find that because I make my spring resolutions in a positive frame of mind, in an environment that is all about waking up from winter and renewal, I'm able to form and keep new habits more successfully.

Cyclescheme commissioned the research for the study.

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