Meetville has found that men and women differ considerably- as if we didn’t know that already- but when you actually break it down- the results are somewhat shocking.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First


Out of respect for one another- women will call their friends by their actual names- men on the other hand will call their mates by their last names, versions of their last name- a nickname from school or something they have recently made up that’s stuck.


Women will pay £1 for something they don’t need, a sale pair of earrings, a discounted scarf or some cheaply made but really cute socks- men will pay over the odds for something they really want it.


The average number of products a woman uses is 337! And men are baffled by all of these lotions and potions except the really obvious ones. Men have an average of 6- ‘what more do you need?’ They say. Where do we begin!?


Women always have the last word- if a man tries to have the last word, he is trying to start yet another argument.


Women genuinely like cats but men say they do to win a lady over and when her head is turned, he puts it out in the rain or kicks them to keep them at bay.


A woman worries greatly about her future until she finds the one, then she relaxes- men are carefree creatures until they get married.

Meals out

Women split the bill exactly between each of them- men carry around notes, put down way too much for their share and are too proud to ask or change, so the waitress gets tipped massively when men eat away from home.


A successful woman is deemed so when she finds a man that is successful. A man is successful when he finds a job that supports her shopping habit.


Women expect men to change once they are married and they don’t, men think that their partners will remain constant but they change, leaving them confused.

Dressing Up

Women dress up for every occasion- men will only dress up for work, weddings and funerals.


Women get messier during the night whereas men get up looking exactly as they did when you turned out the light.


Women know everything about their children to the point of knowing a little too much- men are confused by the little people that have suddenly invaded his house.

It can feel that couples are sometimes on different planes of existence, Dr. Debra Laino, Shave Magazine Correspondent, reveals: “Though we would like to think males and females are fairly similar (except for the obvious physical or reproductive differences), we know that there are fundamental psychological differences. These differences do not mean that one sex is better than the other, but it does mean that your partner may gain a unique perspective, hold a unique view, or have distinct abilities in the world which are rooted in their gender.”

When we asked Eve Kaplan, CFP(R) Practitioner, what the main differences between men and women are she said: “Women differ from men in many ways including their attitude toward money. Women avoid risk more than men; this can come back to bite them. Perhaps it comes down to both genes and social upbringing – women feel greater pain when they lose money than men. The result is that women tend to shy away from stocks more than men do.”

Differing perspectives when it comes to money could cause some catastrophic arguments, however men and women are polar opposite when it comes to arguing too.

Margrit Bradley, an article writer, says: “Men have been found to be the gender who will more typically bottle up their feelings during an argument. This is thought to be because in many relationships it tends to be the woman who brings up aspects of a relationship that she would like to change or talk about and as a result is often the driving force behind the argument. In these situations a man can tend to clam up and not respond as much to criticisms or requests he may be receiving. This can sometimes be seen as an attempt to prevent an argument.”

Alex, Meetville analyst, points out: “However the difference between men and women is obvious, it doesn’t necessarily mean that relationships between the two genders are impossible or difficult to handle. Problems arise when we expect the opposite sex should feel, think or act the way we do or the way we think is right to do. To live in harmony men and women should understand in what ways they are different and accept these differences.”