What does it take to be a true gent?

What does it take to be a true gent?

SerenataFlowers.com has revealed the signs of a modern day perfect gent, which may deviate from what you have previously associated with such a man.  The modern gentleman seems to be more practically minded than the traditional gentleman who would buy you flowers ‘just because’- even though this does still score brownie points. This man wants to ensure your safety, happiness and satisfy your hunger! There are similarities between the now and then, such as an awareness of how to treat women respectfully, however it would appear that some things have changed as women have become less dependent on their partners.

A spokeswoman for SerenataFlowers.com, who commissioned the study, said: “The definition of a gentleman has definitely evolved over time. But the results are proof that showing consideration even in the smallest way is now seen as gentlemanly and has a positive effect on women and relationships. The majority of today’s women are fiercely independent and can look after themselves, but I think it’s fair to say they would still like the men in their lives to be kind and thoughtful. Not just with a partner but even with strangers we meet – small gestures of politeness can improve everyone’s wellbeing day-to-day.”

The traits below are what women expect form their partners or just what they have been lucky enough to encounter from their partners or men in the street without asking.

On the whole women feel that men are lacking these basic gestures and that men could do with being more considerate, which is reinforced by three in ten men claiming that they don’t know any ‘gentlemen’ in their family of group of friends.

It would appear that a gentlemanly attitude does not do men’s dating prospects any harm either as many women find a man more attractive if he displays signs of being a gent, especially on a first date. It is a deal breaker for some if he doesn’t! Women believe that men shy away from demonstrating these behaviours for fear of coming across as old fashioned or because their mates would not approve.

Only a miniscule one per cent said they would be bored by a man acting like a gentleman, which shows that the majority still have an interest in encountering these traits.

The spokeswoman said; “Men should give the tips a go – it’s unanimous that the lady in his life will definitely notice.”

Signs of a perfect modern gentleman:

Carries you home from a night out when your shoes are hurting your feet

Calls you in the morning to make sure you've got up on time

Tells you if your skirt is tucked into your knickers

Lets you have the last sweet/crisp in the bag    

Takes your car for an MOT or checks your engine 

Allows you to pull in front of them in traffic  


Fixes your computer or laptop for you

Quickly notices your new haircut

Offers their phone when your battery has ran out   

Will watch rom-coms with you without complaining    


Records your favourite shows

Sleeps in another room when coming home late so as not to wake you

Returns a purchase to the shop for you

Watches the football on their laptop so as not to hog the TV     


Gives you their copy of the newspaper

Likes pictures of you on Facebook



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