Europe's Number one staffing platform Coople has found that 1 in 5 Brits say working late has caused arguments with their partner. Rather than focusing on the doom and gloom and the negative sides to this- we thought we would focus on the positives. And yes there are some!

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Meal times- You may not get to eat with your partner but eating alone means you don't have to share- plus you can be as messy as you like- so eat with as much enthusiasm as you wish and drop it down your front until your heart is content.

TV to yourself- You don't have to argue over the remote- you can watch what you want- Grey's Anatomy marathon it is then.

You can do all those things you like to hide from him- Dye your moustache, pluck your hairy toes and pick your teeth- solitary is not sexy but he will never know.

You can exist in a tidy space for a few hours- When he comes home, you know from experience that he's like a whirlwind and you spend most of your night picking up after him. When he works late- at least you can exist in an organised environment for a little while.

You can fart without judgement- It's not ladylike- you'll admit- but when you're home alone you can let one go and not have to worry about losing any feminine points with your man. You might even like to congratulate yourself on the particularly good ones.

You can crank that heating up HIGH- If your partner is a stickler for keeping the bills down and insists you wear a jumper instead of putting on the heating- this is your moment to walk around in holiday heat and no-one will complain.

You can pee with the door open- And not worry about him seeing you at your most vulnerable. It's not something you want to share with your fella so it's liberating when you can watch TV while you relieve yourself.

You can reconnect with your friends and family- If your partner tells you he's going to be working late in advance you can arrange to see your folks or spend some time with your mates if a catch up is long overdue.

You can have some 'me time'- If you normally spend most of your time with your partner- this can give you the break you need to do things YOU want to do. You might want to take a bath, catch up on some reading, sort out your wardrobe- whatever it might be- you can do something for yourself.

You can greet him with sex- If he comes home so late that you're already in bed- rather than a quick peck on the cheek, you can let your bodies do the talking instead.

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