Research from Relationship Counsellor Val Sampson has shown how in any relationship, when couples experience an adrenaline release together, naturally they feel closer and more attracted to each other, leading to a longer lasting relationship.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

She said : "At times, a relationship can feel like hard work. However, the enjoyment and fun from a shared hobby gives you a head start in maintaining a rewarding connection with your partner long-term. Couples who play together, are more likely to stay together".

Here are Val's Top 5 tips for finding love

  1. Figure out why it is you are looking for a partner.
  2. Change your frame of reference. In other words, ditch the checklist such as good job, tall dark + handsome and have an open mind.
  3. If you have someone in mind, think about how this person make you feel. i.e. do they make you feel good about yourself. If they don't, steer clear.
  4. You can go online, however, be aware that online dating creates a difficulty as you're then looking for a commodity rather than a life partner. An alternative to online dating is to tell a friend you're on the market. Your friend knows you, what you like and don't like.
  5. If you're a cyclist, look around at the trail centres or on your group rides or coffee shop stops. Wherever you ride or wherever you spend the most time doing what you love, look around. Keep your eyes open and you might just find the person of your dreams was in front of you this whole time.

The study was conducted by the UK's market leading cycle insurers Bikmo. 

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