Natural cleaning brand, method cheered up Londoners yesterday on the grey, rainy start to the summer as it unveiled a giant piece of 3D stunning artwork on London's South Bank which reimagines the city skyline in bright technicolour.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

The artwork was commissioned by method in response to new consumer insight that it's the simple things that make us happy, including brightly coloured surroundings

The study found that over half of us (58%) feel happier or more optimistic when surrounded by bright and colourful surroundings.

Linking into this Psychologist Emma Kenny shares her top tips on how to improve everyday happiness with your partner.

Spend time with people you love

This reinforces self-worth and reminds us of how we are positively connected to other human beings. There is an abundance of research to support that the happiest people are the ones who make time for great relationships.

'People who have great relationships with their families and friends ultimately are great at creating and sustaining them. This means firstly when they meet a partner, they are able to transfer these traits into the relationship and secondly, they have a great compass in so far as knowing if the partnership offers the characteristics they need in the long term to ensure happiness. Secondly, when we have lots of supportive people around us, we are also likely to extricate ourselves from bad relationships because we trust the opinions of those around us. Essentially if you have a great familial blueprint of positive relationships you are likely to continue to have them with other people.'

Practice some mindfulness!

Whether it's taking a yoga class, learning some meditation techniques, or losing yourself whilst you bake or tend to the garden. Any activity that helps us experience the present and brings us a sense of calm increases our happiness level. When you come back together you will both feel more present in your relationship too.

Carry out a random act of kindness!

Send the old lady on your street a bunch of flowers, or buy the homeless guy a sandwich on your way to work. Research clearly supports the notion that giving to others makes us feel good about ourselves.

'Random acts of kindness have been demonstrated to lift mood, increase your sense of self-worth and make you feel connected to the wider world around you. If you share this experience with your partner the likelihood is it demonstrates you are connected on an interest and altruistic level. Seeing each other being kind and doing your bit for the world also means seeing each other in the best possible light and this is something that can increase loving feelings and attraction towards one another.'

Smile more!

Seriously it works, smiles are contagious which means your partner will have their mood lifted by your positivity.

Do a digital detox!

It's so important that you and your partner have time away from technology and give yourself a day a week to get back to basics. It's great for your mental health and wellbeing, so switch off your phones and switch on to your life with each other.

The artwork was created to mark the first in a series of activations from method as part of #themethodway. The method way is all about creating delightful surprises and making things better for people and the planet, whilst doing things in a design-led, colourful way.

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