What do you never change?

What do you never change?

The longer we are together the more engrained our habits become and we are too stubborn or reluctant to change our ways for they have worked for us for so long, according to Clipper Teas! Some we have tried and failed- and now leave well alone- others we are never budging on! 

Hairstyle- I come back from the hairdressers crying and he consoles me and waits for the appropriate amount fo time to poke fun at me. Remember the episode of Friends where Phoebe cuts Monica's hair? My fella is Chandler in disguise!

Hair colour- He laughs at me for looking like a redheaded ken doll when the dye is on and even though I want to banish those greys- it makes me consider washing it all out and embracing the silver fox look! natural all the way!

What we have for breakfast- It sets me up for the day knowing whatever is thrown my way at work or from him indoors- this is the one constant in my life.

The mugs we use- The ‘his’ and ‘hers’ mugs- if one gets damaged or the wrong one gets used- there is hell to pay!

What time we go to bed- Years ago we could go to bed at any time our programme finished or our night's activities came to an end- now it’s like clockwork- as soon as bedtime hits we migrate upstairs without a word, just a defeated shrug.

The brands of food and drink we buy- We have a budget and if we waste that on a different brand that sucks- it feels like we have been sucked in by the advertising industry!

The takeaway restaurant we use- The last time we decided to be adventurous we ended up bonding not over the meal but the toilet!

When we do our shopping- Friday nights used to be spent getting drunk, in a club or pub, with friends and a take away at the end. Now the closest we get to drunk is taking the trolley down the alcohol aisle and picking up random bottles of stuff we used to drink.

The brand of teabags we use- I learned that the hard way when I bought him the cheap brand and he made me hang my head in shame and go back to the supermarket with the receipt to swap them.

The time of day we have a cup of tea- My body literally craves it as I’m walking through the door- before we say hello- we ask- brew? It is of course a rhetorical question!

by for relationships.femalefirst.co.uk
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