Driving and map reading

Driving and map reading

We had the top ten things that women wish their partner was better at on Thursday, so we are now taking a reluctant look at what things men think need improvement from their women folk, with joyoffix.com. And of course we have a few things to say about each one!

Sex- Have you told us what we are doing that’s not to your liking? Have you bothered to acquire something to spice things up or is that down to us, like buying groceries? Sex is as much about communication as it is about anything else, so I would suggest that you have a chat to your partner before slagging her bedroom prowess. Sex is about the compatibility of the couple, so have you ever thought that it might be you that’s not trying hard enough?

Managing money- We may spend more money than you but we are left to buy all the Christmas and Birthday presents for our family and yours- so you either turn up empty handed or realize that we have to take the hit somewhere to avoid embarrassment on special occasions.

Cooking- Maybe that is because we don’t have all day to prepare a delicious meal like women used to. We work just like you and when we get in we simply can’t be bothered to set to and make a full roast. You know that feeling you have when you get home? Well we are feeling just the same. Do you have the energy to decide on a meal and make it? Didn’t think so.

Being tidy- There comes a point when you have to say to yourself ‘if you can’t beat them join them’- if you take no pride in our home then why should we?

Socializing- There is something far more appealing about watching Masters of Sex with a big bar of chocolate than spending the night in a dingy pub going over the same old stories again and again with your buddies.

Listening- We may not always listen to you but at least we try and do some of the time- you don’t even pretend to look like your are mildly interested.

Being romantic- Let’s face it, the romance died when we saw you scratching your bits on the couch for the first time or every you sit on the toilet with the door open.  

Cleaning- At least we do it- that is all…..

Sense of direction- Women are biologically handicapped when it comes to reading maps as our spatial awareness is marred during our time of the month; putting us at a distinct disadvantage when we are given a route planner. Science says so…

Driving- Let’s get one thing straight- men make mistakes behind the wheel to but the whole ‘woman driver’ thing gets rammed down our necks every time one does something that you wouldn’t. There is a reason that your insurance is higher than ours so get down from your high horse.  

Top ten things women wish their partner was better at

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