Scrutinise the quantity of food on offer- If you are a couple of feeders- then one plate of food for many people will not suffice in your world. You start fantasizing about if they had come to your house there would have been tons left over for the next day and no one would have gone home hungry.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

One of you thinks the other was flirting- Even if they were just trying to be friendly- with other attractive men and women around- jealousy rears its ugly head.

You share your thoughts on the new guy/gal- There is a small window of opportunity for them to impress you so if you like them- then they pass the test.

You decide who makes the cute couple- Never as cute as you of course but you like to seek out the competition and make sure it doesn't exceed your level of stability and happiness as a pair.

You comment on outfit choices- They may be close to your level of cuteness but not in that choice of clothing.

You worry about how boring you come across- If you leave early, you ponder about how old and predictable you seem to your friends. Getting the right moment to leave can be tricky.

The hosts notice the value of the gifts- Their guests may have come up with the quantity but the quality was lacking, which is cause for a bitchy post-party comment. They keep a check of when you left too- not surprisingly- when the booze ran out.

You wonder if your friends talk about you the way you talk about them- You convince yourselves that you are awesome and would have no reason to be criticised by anyone.

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