Insurance 2go has found that 41% of Brits have taken a cheeky look at their partner's phone- 26% even did it in secret and never came clean to their partner.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

34% of couples know each other's pass code to their phone in order to have unlimited access to their messages, internet searches and pictures.

Unsurprisingly, reading text messages came out on top as the most snooped thing on a partner's phone for women. Men on the other hand navigate straight to their loved one's Facebook page to check out their profile and messages. So why the need to check up on a partner's phone activity? 37% have trust issues and suspect that their partner is thinking about or already playing away from home. 36% are just nosy, it's a part of their partner's life they don't know about and want to and 19% want to reassure themselves that there are no dodgy activities going on without them knowing. If someone knows they have some time on their partner's phone they will check almost everything on there including emails, whatsapp and photos and videos too. The give their partner's phone a full screening before leaving it alone.

Despite their activities, one in ten would not be happy at their partner doing the same- so it begs the question- is snooping a sign of a guilty mind?

What have the snoopers found? One in ten have found signs of infidelity while a high number have found naked pictures of their partner- which could be for them or for someone else- who knows?

However there have been some questionable pictures that partners have found while swiping through their partner's private album. Make of them what you will!

A picture of a sex toy stuck to a car window

A picture of a pigeon eating pie

Various pictures of other people's anatomy

Pictures of people who wore clothes the phone owner wanted to buy

The My Little Pony app

A period tracker on a man's phone

A photo of someone's pet spider

Pictures of cat poo

Texts form an ex

The Tinder App

12% who found the most offensive things on their partner's phone took a break from the relationship- but did they tell them the whole truth? I guess we'll never know. So, is looking at your partner's phone really worth it? Or does it encourage you to make assumptions about your SO's behaviour that are way off the mark?

Duncan Spencer, Managing Director at Insurance2Go, says: "It is only natural to be curious, but from the results it's clear that many of us are coming across things we'd rather not see. Our insurance covers most problematic things, but unfortunately we can't protect your personal life."

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