Snuggling under a blanket

Snuggling under a blanket

Trending on Twitter today is #what is love in four words and there have been some interesting suggestions- so we come up with a few of our own!

A kiss before work- Many couples forget about the importance of that morning goodbye smooch. For loved ones who take a few seconds out of their morning to let their lips meet- their day just keeps getting better and better.

I’ll make a brew- That all-important acknowledgement that you need a warm cup of something and a sit down to talk through your day with your loved one before you can move on and enjoy your evening together.

I thought of you- Whether it’s a gift, something they picked up for you in the supermarket, or something they have made you for your tea- it shows that in those rare spare moments at work or when they are not with you- they are still thinking about you.

Want a foot rub?- This might not be for everyone- but many couples enjoy sitting at opposite ends of the couch rubbing each other’s feet to relieve the pressure of being on them all day. You might be able to do it better yourself but the luxury of having someone else do it for you is pure heaven.

Wish you were here- If you work away, are on a trip with your mates or one of you is home earlier than the other- there is nothing more affirming than being told that they want your company. Everything seems better than they are around and when they are not there is any shame in pining for them or them for you.

You are the best- It doesn’t matter how funny their mates are, how hot their exes were or how much their family loves them- you come top of the pile. They love you in a way that is like no other love either of you has ever felt before.

Fancy a take away?- That relief of not having to cook a meal for you both or vice versa; just chilling out on the sofa and letting someone else take the reins in the kitchen for a change. He recognises that you both need a rest and a treat- utter bliss.

We’re going on holiday- The promise of that delightful time when it’s just the two of you and everyone and everything else simply has to wait.

You are so beautiful- Even if you have been together for a while- him telling you that he still finds you attractive is the greatest feeling in the world. You’ve still got it and he still knows it.

You are my person- He gets you; you get him- you work in harmony; like yin and yang. You are in impenetrable force and you are quite happy that people don’t understand your wonderfully weird connection- but you both do and that’s all that matters.



by for
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