According to, women who are on the hunt for a wealthy husband spend a small fortune to lure them.

Relationships on Female First

Relationships on Female First

Obviously the main reason to date a well off man is first and foremost the financial security, for those women who pursue them. Secondly many women who seek out such men have expensive tastes and hope that they will keep them in the life they have become accustomed to. Finally many single ladies have a lack of confidence in their own ability to earn money and so seek a man who can support her.

A whopping 94% believe that it takes a lot more to impress a man with money than it does any other, which justifies their spending habits.

The women begin their search looking their best by investing in expensive clothes, jewellery and underwear. Next they have to buy drinks in expensive bars and clubs- all the hotspots for the demographic they are looking to attract. Then there are the elite dating site fees, taking a luxury holiday to places where rich men usually frequent and finally sending themselves gifts in order to spark some jealousy in the man that they want to take things further with.

This totalled at an average of £620 per woman!

Dan Hawkins of made the following comments on the findings:

"How ironic to discover that such a large percentage of women spend these significant amounts of money in an attempt to settle down with a rich man for their own financial security. Nothing is more off-putting to most wealthy individuals than someone who is clearly only interested in them for their bank balance. Perhaps if these self-confessed 'gold diggers' stopped focusing on material goods and looked for a romantic connection and sizzling chemistry with their partners instead, then they wouldn't need to break the budget to find love!"

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