Prince Harry

Prince Harry

A five-year-old girl thought that Britain's Prince Harry was a real "Prince Charming".

The 30-year-old royal was confused with a fairytale prince by Ava Price, after she met His Royal Highness at the 26 Squadron RAF Regiment Standard Parade in Suffolk yesterday (13.11.14).

Speaking at the parade at RAF Honington, Sergeant Tom Price revealed that his daughter was particularly interested in meeting the guest of honour, Prince Harry.

He said: "She is of that age where she is into princesses and princes.

"We told her, 'You are going to meet a real life prince', and she was very excited.

Sgt Price then asked his little girl if the royal was a "Prince Charming", but Ava was too shy to respond.

Despite her silence, Sgt Price told East Anglican Daily Times newspaper that Prince Harry had checked that she was warm enough.

He told the newspaper: "[Prince Harry] asked if she had a warm hat and a scarf to keep her from the cold. He was very charming."

Corporal Tobias Jamieson of 26 Squadron, also revealed that the prince was more interested in hearing about his love life.

He said: "It was an honour and a privilege to have Prince Harry here. He was asking me and my wife how we met.

"It was because I am Welsh and my wife if Polish and he just wondered how we might have got together."

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