Britain's Prince Harry is to learn the Haka.

Prince Harry

Prince Harry

The 30-year-old royal is making his first visit to New Zealand from 9-16 May and during his trip he will participate in a number of military activities with the Army at the Linton Military Camp, including learning their own version of the ceremonial war dance.

Harry's busy agenda will also see him take in a rugby game in Wellington, visit the recently-opened ANZAC Square at Pukeahu National War Memorial in Wellington, and join Prime Minister John Key in Christchurch, to see the city's reconstruction programme, as well as meeting members of the community who provided key roles when an earthquake hit in February 2011.

The prince will also get to explore Maori culture and values with a visit to Whanganui, where he will be invited on to Putiki Marae and travel with the crew of the Marae's waka across the Whanganui River, which has a deep spiritual significance to the local Iwi.

A spokesman for Harry said: "Prince Harry is very much looking forward to his first visit to New Zealand. He has heard so many great things about the country, not least from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge after their tour last year.

"He has made a number of Kiwi friends over the years, especially through the course of his military duties and is delighted that he will now have so many opportunities to meet New Zealanders in every community he visits during his tour."

Following the conclusion of the tour, Harry - who will head to New Zealand once his military secondment in Australia ends - will return to the UK.

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