world globe

world globe

We all love a bit of sunshine and sand - but do you know exactly where on the map your destination is? Research has shown that out of 2,000 people who travelled abroad last year, 53% did not know where to place Cyprus. It is commonly confused with mainland Greece.

From those who booked a relaxing sunshine-filled trip to exotic Turkey, there were just under half who failed to place it on the map, where majority out of them placed it where Ukraine is. (It is over 1,200 miles away from Ukraine!)

Similarly France-Goers, pinpointed to Belgium rather than France on the map, and those who went to Italy mistook it for Belarus on the world map. I think we all need a few more geography lessons!

Furthermore, many of us are unable to name the capital or neibouring nations to the country we visited.

British Airways spokeswoman named Claire Bentley - which carried out the research by asking holidaymakers to pinpoint where they went on map of Europe, said:

''This research shows people are going to all the effort of booking themselves a lovely holiday abroad, and yet so many have absolutely no idea of where they are actually going.

''It is surprising to think that people are prepared to spend their hard earned wages on a holiday, without researching something as important as its location.

''We know that cost and temperature is often the most important factor for adults wanting to book a holiday, but 23% of our respondents admitted they would never think to look at where it is on the map before booking.''

Saima Omar - @Lookitssaima

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