Based on the IDW graphic novels created by Beau Smith, Wynonna Earp follows the fictional life of Wyatt Earp's great great granddaughter, who finds herself caught up in a world she's at first unwilling to be a part of.

Melanie Scrofano in Wynonna Earp

Melanie Scrofano in Wynonna Earp

We got the chance to put some questions to Melanie Scrofano who takes on the titular role in the series ahead of its UK premiere - find out what she had to say below...

What can you tell us about the new series Wynonna Earp and the character you play?

Wynonna Earp is a descendant of real life legend Wyatt Earp. The bag guys that Wyatt killed have returned every generation and only the Earp heir can send these revenants back to hell, and only by using Wyatt's gun, 'Peacemaker'.

Wynonna is a real girl dropped into the role of a superhero tasked with saving the world. She is completely unprepared and unwilling to do it at first. It's refreshing because she doesn't start out as 'the superhero', so it's a lot more relatable and hopefully people will be able to go on the journey of 'what if this happened to me?!' along with Wynonna.

How did the casting process work for this show?

The call came out for the character, I auditioned in Toronto, then was flown to LA for a screen test and got the role. It was actually pretty easy as far as casting goes - humblebrag!

Have you always been a fan of graphic noverls and the world of comic books?

My dad taught me to read by reading comic strips in the Saturday paper and Archie comics. But I never really went beyond those.

What should viewers expect from the supernatural elements of the series?

You will learn what the revenants can do as the main characters do. They are not as simple as we first think, so expect the unexpected.

Dominique Provost-Chalkley is also in the series, how is she to work with?

I'm a fan of all things British so needless to say, I'm a big fan of Dommie's. She is a really hard worker but she manages to put her heart into her work which makes it easy to play off of her. She gives a lot, which makes all of our jobs easier as actors. Love her.

The show recently wrapped its first season in the US - how did you find the response there?

I remember live tweeting the first episode with Tim Rozon (Doc Holliday) and we were having a hard time keeping up with the comments. We were giddy because people were actually watching our show! By the last episode we had basically trended every week on Twitter because of our incredibly loyal and growing fan base and we could not keep up with all the comments. It was surreal.

What is it about Wynonna Earp that stands out against other supernatural shows?

It doesn't take itself too seriously, there is a lot of fun, but it still has heaping spoonfuls of heart. Yes, it is a supernatural show but at the center of it all is a girl trying to face her own demons and redeem herself for the things she's done. She's not perfect, she doesn't know what she's doing and it is fun to watch a 'hero' mess up. Heroes aren't perfect.

How has working on this show compared to things you've done in the past?

I've never had the freedom to create a character like I've had on this show. I've really been trusted to make this girl breathe and because I've felt trusted, I've felt more at ease than ever before on set. Emily doesn't generally let people ad lib but trusts me to improvise where I see fit and it has let me fill out my character and find her more easily.

What advice do you have for young talent hoping to break out into the industry?

Trust yourself and don't do anything that doesn't feel right. Rejection is never personal, so don't let it consume you.

Finally, what's next for you in the coming weeks and months?

Well we've announced the second season! I don't know yet when we start shooting, so I had better get my butt to the gym.

Wynonna Earp starts tonight, July 29 at 9pm on Spike UK.

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