Recipe Notes

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Freezing time: 4 hours or overnight Makes: about 5 ice lollies

Raw Orange & Beetroot Muesli Ice Lollies

Raw Orange & Beetroot Muesli Ice Lollies


Flesh of 3 oranges (for pink coloured ice lollies please use blood oranges!)

1.5 tablespoons maple syrup

2 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon melted coconut oil

2 tablespoons of Primrose's Kitchen Beetroot & Ginger Muesli + an extra 1/2 tablespoon per ice lolly for sprinkling on top at the very end (see instructions)

about 5 tablespoons of (vegan) yoghurt


Peel the oranges and place in a high speed blender together with the maple syrup and melted coconut oil.

Blitz until smooth. Pour into your ice moulds, until they are about half full.

Next spoon some of our raw beetroot and ginger muesli into the mould.

Then top with the remaining orange mixture, leaving some space to finish it off with more muesli, about 1/2 tablespoon per ice lolly.

Place in the freezer for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight.

Recipe courtesy of Primrose Kitchen

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