A super clean sweat treat perfect for between meals, post-workout or after dinner. These truffles are bursting with healthy fats, protein, fibre and phytonutrients thanks to the greens powder. Feel free to add a touch of chocolate with cacao or cocoa powder and or chocolate chips or cacao nibs.

Raw Peanut Butter Truffles

Raw Peanut Butter Truffles


125g peanut butter

3 tbsp agave

3 tbsp rolled oats

1 tsp Beyond Greens

6 dried apricots (chopped)

3 tbsp chia seeds

For coating: chia seeds, cacao powder, cacao nibs and Beyond Greens


Mix together the peanut butter and agave. Warm the mixture in the microwave for 10 seconds if needed.

Add the Beyond Greens, chopped apricots and chia seeds and mix well.

Add the rolled oats to form a mixture that can be rolled.

Roll into 12-15 balls, roll around in your chosen coating until covered.

Transfer to the fridge to chill for at least 30 minutes and serve.

Recipe courtesy of Udos Choice www.udoschoice.co.uk

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