has found some surprising facts about a wedding day that goes against all tradition, morals and decency!

Weddings on Female First

Weddings on Female First

60% of newlyweds have slept with 2 or more of the guests: It’s inevitable that you have invited someone that you once had a dalliance with. You think you are grown up and push past it, but even now on your wedding day you are standing there imagining them naked and thinking about all the places you did it and then you look back at your husband and all you can see is your old life with them…. 12% of brides have also asked their friends in the know not to let the cat out of the bag to their new hubby!

A quarter of couples don’t consummate their marriage on the night of their wedding: After 2 years of planning for the day, all the dancing, nerves, early rises and booze, it’s no wonder that many couples collapse into bed and leave the sex for later!

Women are twice as likely to have second thoughts than men: People ask when you will be having kids, you don’t want to lose your identity, you worry that he will suddenly a change, you think about how hard it will be to leave if things go sour, you worry he might lose interest and cheat on you…… as your hair gets curled and your cheeks get rouged your head feels like it might explode with all of these doubts!

20% of grooms admit to fancying the bridesmaids or other female guest on their wedding day: Although this might be the best you will ever look, with a professional on hand to do your hair and makeup and fit you into your dress- there are still women in the room better looking than you- and your fella has noticed too.

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