Blurred vision is a side affect

Blurred vision is a side affect

Some people are always searching for their next big high and if it’s legal- surely that means there are no nasty side effects right? Wrong- legal highs have all the dangers of illegal ones- so we take a look at why.

What do they look like?

Legal highs cannot be sold specifically for human consumption so you will find that they masquerade as incense salts, plant foods or pond cleaner- they may have a list of ingredients on the packet, but don’t be fooled- these might not be accurate. Some brand names include ‘Clockwork Orange’, ‘Bliss’, ‘Mary Jane’ and have all been responsible for cases of poisoning, ER visits, access to mental health services and in the worst cases- death.

Legal does not equal safe

Legal highs mimic the effects of illegal drugs, so they are only fractionally different to class A drugs and therefore don’t fall under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. Also research about them is sparse so there is a distinct lack of understanding about them as a whole, especially when combined with such as alcohol and their short, medium and long terms effects.

There is no jail time for having them on you or taking them, however this does not mean that they are safe enough to put in your body. Legal drugs, when examined, actually contained some illegal drugs- making them a concoction of harmful substances that border on being banned, or might already have been made illegal without your knowledge.

When taking legal highs you can expect delusions, heart attacks, paranoia to name a few; take a dose in the wrong quantity and you could die. A reality check- more people died in the UK in 2012, double the amount in any of the countries in Europe after taking a legal high. (Cosmopolitan)

Website vs dealer

Many legal highs can be bought online with many sources offering a discount upon first purchase and bonuses if you repeat purchase. It would appear that people assume just because the high is not obtained through a dealer that it is safe- when in fact you could either waste your money on something that has nothing in it at all- or you could end up with a dose that is more than your body can cope with and die.  

Career focus

If you have just landed the job of your dreams or have held down a good job for a few years and like to let loose at weekends- think of your return. Employers can request random drug tests if they feel there is an issue with this in their workplace. If you have taken a legal high with even a small amount of any of the more well-known drugs mixed in- this could take between a few hours to 14 days to leave your system. So what has gone from being a reckless Friday night has suddenly turned into a trip to the job centre and a mark against your name.

Just legal

To make a high legal, all it takes is a slight variation in one ingredient to make it pass the police test. As one element is banned then the creators of the high will just search for a substitute. Just as the police think that they have cracked it, the creators simply omit the illegal substance and start all over again.

Location, location, location

If you are going abroad for the party lifestyle and want to take some legal highs with you, then the substance that might be currently legal in the UK does not necessarily mean that it is legal abroad. Some countries will put you in jail for life if you have an illegal substance on your person, even if it’s only in small doses.

A drug is a drug

You can call it a ‘legal high’ to make yourself feel better- but it’s just another word for a drug. In more simplistic terms- take the pill for instance- this is a matter of trial and error to find one that is kind to your body. You cannot say for sure how your body is going to react to any foreign substance you put in it or what you might be sensitive to. These legal highs are not monitored like prescribed drugs- so you can anticipate even less what might happen if you take one.

If you have the right group of friends, the right location and good banter- you don’t need a legal high to make your night or your vacation. Why risk your freedom, your job, your health and your safety all for one quick fix? It’s really not worth it folks.




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