Brianne Schrader asks :

I am having trouble eating. I try to eat meat but when I look at it, it makes me feel like I'm going to vomit. When I ate breakfast this morning I got sick and I didnt even eat that much. I tried eating lunch and it made me sick. Anytime food is infront of me I feel like vommiting. Can you help me?

Yin replies

Could you be pregnant? If you are making the choice to go and get food, but it is turning your stomach then it may be that you are pregnant or have a tummy bug. It may be worth going to your doctor and telling them about your symptoms and see if they can prescribe anything that might help this, to reduce the sickly feeling. Try taking a pregnancy test first, if this is a possibility just to rule this out before you go. 

Yang replies

It could be that you have an eating disorder. If you are trying to eat then this is a good sign. If you were avoiding food altogether then it could be the early stages of anorexia. The fact that you are seeking out food to eat is a positive. It may also be worth contacting your doctor about this, as they can refer you to a nutritional specialist, who can talk about the food and amounts you should be eating to keep your blood sugar levels at a constant, as this can cause sickness. Also, you can talk about the psychological relationship you have with food. Something may have happened in your past that is triggering your new approach to your eating habits. 

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