Asks :

Hi Lucy,

I am really worried, but I have nobody to ask. I have a boyfriend and he is two years older than me and we had unprotected sex. We didn't know it was going to happen and we were un-prepared. I have just hit my period and it's not normally like it is now and it isn't heavy and it isn't too light it’s kind of light red. I have been researching if I may be pregnant, but I don't know if I am yet. I just wanted to speak to someone, could you help me out? Please?

Our Reply


If you are concerned about pregnancy then I would suggest getting yourself a test from the chemist or supermarket. A change in the heaviness of your period or its colour might indicate that you are pregnant, so it’s best to know for sure. If you are, then take things from there and perhaps think about asking for some help and advice from your doctor or family. Most importantly, talk to your partner about your options and what you want to do moving forward.

If you are not, then take this a lesson that you and your boyfriend should always carry protection around with you. Perhaps make sure he has a condom in his wallet and you have one in your bag at all times so if you feel like having sex you can be safe from sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy. Or perhaps go to your doctor and discuss other forms of contraception that might suit your better, like the pill. 

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