Amber asks :

Hi Lucy,


I've been getting along with a colleague at work really well recently and he wants to take me for a meal, I really like him and feel that there's potential for us to have a good romantic relationship, we just connect. The problem is he has money problems and spends most of his time in the betting shop and money on drugs and alcohol. I've also just noticed how bad his teeth are, they deter me from wanting to kiss him but I'm still so attracted to the rest of his looks and personality, what shall I do?

Our Reply

Hi Amber,


There is a worry here that if things did progress between you both that you could get swept up in all of this. I don’t mean necessarily that you would start drinking to excess and using drugs, however his frivolity with money could impact on you. If we look to the now, you might end up having to foot the bills for meals out or other activities while you are dating. Would you be ok with this knowing where his money was going? If you look further into the future and let’s pretend there is potential for you living together; could you trust him to pay his way with bills etc. knowing what you do at the moment? This is all very hypothetical right now, however definitely worth considering.


Bad teeth can be a direct result of drug abuse, when the addict uses drugs such as meth; the condition is commonly known as ‘meth mouth’ so be mindful that his habit might be more extensive than you think.  


If you are attracted to everything else about him other than his habits and his teeth then perhaps wait until he has got the help he needs to pull himself out of this routine. Everyone deserves a chance to prove that they can change, but going on a date could get really messy. Perhaps you could suggest that he seeks help for this habit. I would just say, however; go into this with caution and don’t get pulled into anything that you feel is wrong or that you are not comfortable with.


Relationships are hard work at the best of times and the things you know about him already could pose a problem from day one, so maybe hold off until you know that you have the best chance of survival and he has a clean slate. If nothing else, you might be able to point him in the right direction to get the help he needs to kick his habits.

Lucy x 

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