Kizzy asks :

Hello Lucy,

Me and my ex broke up 3 years ago, now he wants to get back with me and still talks about sex with me like how it was before. I ignore him when he mentions it because I am scared of getting hurt again. He says he still loves me and I do too. I don't know what to do? Does he just want me for sex? Confused!!!!!!

Hi Kizzy,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

The question that you could ask yourself is if you are in love with him or the idea of him? Do you feel safer in a relationship and vulnerable on your own? If you have been on your own for a while then you might crave being part of a pair again if you are a bit lonely right now, but try to think of what is best for you in the long term.  

If his opening line when he talks to you is remembering the sex you used to have then chances are he is only after one thing. Even if it was really good for both of you- this might not be the best reason to get back with him again.

You have mentioned that you fear being hurt again, which could indicate that this is an expectation of getting back with him.  It sounds like your gut is telling you to be cautious and perhaps not go back there agian.

He may still love you but combined with the other things you have told me he may just be saying it to get you into bed. 

What was the reason you broke up? If you think that you might fall back into old ways then maybe it’s not a good idea to get back with him. That said, if you feel you can both make changes where you struggled before then perhaps you could make another go of things.

If you wonder if he just wants you for sex maybe you could go on some dates and refrain from having sex with each other. Perhaps you could spend time getting to know one another again and talk about how you could make your second attempt better than the first. If he tries to get you into bed in those first few weeks then that should tell you what you need to know.


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