Taylor asks :

Hi Lucy,


I have a crush on this boy, but his best friend has a crush on me. He would never choose me over his best friend. And.... my best friend has a crush on his best friend, and he is leading her on a bit. I really don't know what to do?


Our Reply

Hi Taylor,


This sounds very confusing from an outside perspective, so I can only imagine how it’s feeling for you.


If this guy who likes you will never choose you over his best friend, then I would let this one be. He may like you but if his loyalty to his friend is stronger, then there is no point in even considering if you like him back as you are setting yourself up for failure. If you do genuinely like the guy you mentioned first then perhaps be tactful of how you go about things so you don’t hurt his feelings and make him jealous, if you pursue him.


If the person who your friend likes is being led on by him, then try to let them deal with it on their own. It is admirable that you are being protective of her, however, this is not your situation to interfere in. I would suggest that you simply be there for her, listen and be a support. If you get involved this can often makes things worse. If he is leading her on, she will realise soon enough, if not then they could make a go of things.


Try to stay focused on your own love life for now and be a friend.


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