Suzy asks :

Hi Lucy,

I am getting what I believe to be mixed signals from a new guy... We went out once, it went great. We laughed the entire time. Quick kiss goodnight. He texted me that night to say thank you, it was fun. Then the next day he texted me again. Then I texted a couple days later to say again that I had fun and would love to do it again. He replied that sounds great, let’s get together through the holidays. He then was in touch once more and then a couple days later in touch again to see when I had time to meet up again. Date 2, was good again, got drinks and went back to his house. We made out, but that's where it ended. Said very nice things and commented that he wasn't dating anyone else, to which I didn't really say anything. The next morning he texted me. The day after I texted to say hello, he replied. Then later that night he sent another text to which I replied. Now I have not heard from him in 3 days. Is this part of the dating cycle or is he not that into me? What should I do going forward? Do I text him, call him, or forget him?

Our Reply

Hi Suzy,

This sounds like a very confusing situation that you are in.

Perhaps you have got into a little routine with him and as soon as that has been broken, however newly formed, then your confidence in it has dropped.

The texting has been back and forth, not just you initiating it all the time- so there seems to be an interest there on his part. He also told you that he was not dating anyone else which he volunteered. This could be to let you know that perhaps he sees you becoming exclusive in the future.

Every dating cycle is different but allowances need to be made for work and family time as well as personal commitments, which could all be responsible for him not contacting you for a few days.

He sent the last message so why not send this one, just to ask how things are? If he doesn't make a plan with you again then perhaps it is not meant to be- however it might give him the opportunity to set a date for another get together.

If you see it going somewhere there is no harm in showing your interest, you never know he might be sat at home thinking the same thing!


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