kelly dawn asks :

my ex finished with me in febuary we do see each other out and about with friends his friends are my friends and my friends are his friends and just resantly he started taking an intreasted in me again and started talking and started to get close again like how we used to be and one night my opened up to me that he regrets finishing with me and has been thinking about getting g back with me but he doesn't want to hurt me again and we both ended up kissing and it was wrong but it felt so right he made the first move the other week he says to me that he just wantsd to me friends and im more than happy with that and next thing he says to me is that I make him feel awakward around me witch really confused me and two nights later I went out with friends and he was out with his bear in mind I didn't know he was going to be out he totally blanked me and didn't talk to me and im really confused I need advice half of me would get back with him I believe in second chances and half of me dosent want to get back with him cause I don't want to be hurt again I neeed help what should I do help me please

Yin replies

The fact is, he has already hurt you by breaking up with you and not making up his mind what he wants. When you break up with someone and you haven't met anyone else or you feel lonely getting back together seems like a good idea, but the same problems are still there that were before. You can’t wait around until he decides whether he wants to be with you again or whether he wants to talk to you when you are out and about.

The fact that you kissed confuses things because not only are you unsure about what to do you have now out sexual contact back on the table, so you may be thinking more about your body than your mind. Try to put the kissing aside and think more about the behaviours that followed.

Yang replies

If he likes you, he should stop playing games and just tell you how he feels. I would suggest moving on, you don’t know how many times he is going to go back and forth with you like this and every time you will be on bit of an emotional roller-coaster. Try looking for someone else who will be straight with you about their feelings. If you can maintain a friendship down the line then great, but don’t expect too much.  

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