Sue asks :

Hi Lucy,

Why do I pass wind whenever I have intercourse or masturbate? I love having sex with my partner and don't want to have to give it up. Can you help please? Thanks, Sue.


Hi Sue,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

Humans pass wind throughout the day and night and it can happen when you least expect it too. It's not the sexiest of sounds but it's a natural bodily function. If it happens with your partner I would suggest making a joke out of it. Chances are it will have happened to them or will at some point.

Sex is a very intimate thing- and if you're already at the point of doing this with your partner, then it's not the end of the world to share something just as intimate like passing gas.

If it has become a regular problem, you can buy over the counter anti-bloat and gas medication to take a few hours before sex, so if you know your partner is coming over or you plan to have sex, then you may need to consider this before going ahead.

Or you could take a little trip to the bathroom beforehand to avoid embarrassment.

Another option is to avoid foods like beans, lentil, asparagus, broccoli, Brussel sprouts and cabbage a day or so before you have sex, which cause excess gas.

It is normal and natural as bearing down during sex can cause gas to come out if this happens when you are letting go of the anal sphincter at the same time. The vagina runs alongside the rectum and colon so it can create pressure when your partner is inside of you and cause the gas to come out. If your partner is understanding they will have a little giggle with you and move on.

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