Jessica asks :

Hi Lucy,
If you were unknowingly offensive to a friend but then later apologised yet they ignored you for a month whilst you apologised again would you be right to ignore them back as you have made the effort?

Hi Jessica,

Agony Aunts on Female First

Agony Aunts on Female First

If the intent was not to hurt your friend then it sounds like you did not deliberately mean to cause any friction between both of you. Despite the meaning, she may still have taken it that you wanted cause upset. If you have tried to justify yourself and she is still not accepting of your apology, then perhaps this friendship is not for you.

One of the most mature things you can do after someone else’s error is forgive- if someone was not out to make you unhappy and the unhappiness was just an unfortunate accident.

Ignoring her could be seen as playing her at her own game. If you are civil in her company then you are not mirroring her behaviour and are showing her that you are ready to move on. If she recognises this then perhaps she will realise in time that you didn’t intend to disrupt your friendship and come back to you. If she doesn’t then maybe your friendship has run its course.

If you have apologised and explained- then that is perhaps all you can do right now until she changes her attitude towards the situation. If she doesn’t then perhaps it just shows that you differ in your emotional maturity towards situations such as these and have grown apart.  


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