David Van Day

David Van Day

Simon told how David drove him mad while the pair were digging for numbers to release the Celebrity Chest. ‘He kept trying to get in shot, I just wanted to dig it out, I broke a spade that’s how hard I was digging. It’s hard work because he makes it hard work.

‘I told him that he was going to make the final but I was taking the piss.’

Martine added: ‘If there’s any justice in the world, he’ll be gone tomorrow.’

The chest question was: What is the third track on the Dollar album? David answered correctly and inside the chest was tortilla chips and salsa dip for everyone.

Naughtily Joe also opened the other side of the chest which contained a ball, three times he asked it: ‘Am I going home tomorrow?’ Each time the ball answered 'Without a doubt,’

When David left the group, Simon was given a piece of chocolate brownie the others had saved him from their reward for playing the Professions game.