The Bermuda land snail has returned from extinction.

Bizarre on Female First

Bizarre on Female First

The animal was thought to have disappeared many years ago until an empty shell was brought into the office of Mark Outerbridge, a wildlife ecologist for the Bermuda government, in 2014.

Live snails were then found in a nearby alleyway in country's capital city Hamilton and were transported to Chester Zoo where they underwent a breeding program and over 4,000 snails were raised.

The snails - which are also known as the ''Lazarus species'' - were returned to their native territory and more will soon be brought back to their homeland.

Outerbridge said: ''It turned out that, yes, this was in fact the greater Bermuda land snail, a species that we thought had gone extinct 40 years earlier.

''He came back the next day with a fresh one, a live one in his hand, and that's how I was thrust into this conservation project.''