Cuttlefish have been given 3D glasses - in the name of science.

Bizarre on Female First

Bizarre on Female First

The aquatic animals - who come from the same family as squid and octopuses - have the ability to watch 3D movies and react as they would to the real thing.

A team of researchers super glued Velcro to the skin of the cuttlefish and attached 3D glass with red and blue lenses.

The cuttlefish were treated to a screening of shrimp, their favourite food, and tried to reach out of their tanks to grab them.

The study revealed that cuttlefish can compute distance better than humans.

Trevor Wardill, from the University of Minnesota, told CNN: ''It took a lot of coaxing of the cuttlefish to make them wearing their glasses.''

The study found: ''A few hours after being fitted with glasses, some animals would reliably hunt, while other more cautious animals or those initially not interested in viewing the screen took up to two days to reliably interact with shrimp video stimuli.''

Trevor added: ''Cuttlefish can do depth perception better than we can.''