People who use emojis in work emails are seen as less powerful.

Emojis could be bad for a person's career

Emojis could be bad for a person's career

Experts at Tel Aviv University in Israel have revealed that people who use emojis and pictures in emails are seen as weaker than those who use words.

The researchers conducted a series of experiments as they set out to understand how the use of images affects the perception of people in the workplace.

Dr. Elinor Amit, from the Coller School of Management at the university, said: "Our findings raise a red flag: when you want to signal power, think twice before sending an emoji.

"Why do pictures signal that a sender is low power? Research shows that visual messages are often interpreted as a signal for desire for social proximity.

"A separate body of research shows that less powerful people desire social proximity more than powerful people do. Consequently, signalling that you'd like social proximity by using pictures is essentially signalling you're less powerful."