A woman gave birth on Christmas Day without even realising she was pregnant.

A woman gave birth on Christmas Day without even realising she was pregnant

A woman gave birth on Christmas Day without even realising she was pregnant

Kayleigh Tilley, 24, works in childcare but she and her partner Nick had not even considered having children but she woke up on the festive day in December realsing that "something was very wrong" and before she knew it she was in labour.

She told The Mirror: "The plan was to stay over at Nick’s, and after waking up and opening presents we’d all go out to the pub for a roast dinner and drinks with our families.

"It was 11am and the second I got out of bed, I knew something was very wrong. Feeling something running down her leg, she dashed to the toilet and realised it was blood.

"At first, I thought my period must have started. I’d had an erratic cycle for years, sometimes going for months without anything.”

"I felt a flash of sadness to think I might have lost a pregnancy so early. But they didn’t seem sure of anything and, with the bleeding and the pain, I couldn’t think about it.

"It was a blur of people and questions and suddenly there was an ultrasound scanner on my stomach.

"I couldn’t see the screen, but I heard the words ‘labour’ and ‘contractions’. ‘You’re having a baby today,’ someone said. Hearing that I might be having a very early miscarriage was one thing. But how could I possibly be in labour?"

She noted that while she and Nick "hadn't always used contraception", she never thought for one moment that she could be pregnant because her stomach had remained "completely flat" throughout.

Kayleigh managed to get her mother to attend the hospital with her and by 2pm, she had delivered a healthy daughter weighing 4lb 1oz, whom she has named Holly.

She said: "Someone said, ‘the baby is coming now’ and suddenly the room filled up with people. Through my contractions, I thought, ‘I’m supposed to be opening presents and eating turkey, not giving birth! With Mum on one side and Nick on the other I pushed, and suddenly there she was, this tiny, beautiful baby. My baby. I was a mum! I felt a huge wave of relief that she was here, alive and healthy.

"It wasn’t easy. But seeing Nick hold his first daughter, and Mum hold her first grandchild, was magical."
