I write to grab a chunk of me time. Like most people, there are times when I feel like I spread myself too thinly. Part of the reason I love writing is that it’s my time, alone with my thoughts.

The King's Prerogative

The King's Prerogative

My all-time favourite book (of all time) is A Christmas Carol. I read it every year. It is such an uplifting story.

I make a mean chilli con carne. If I were to write a cookbook I think it’s likely to be called ‘101 things to do with mince’.

I can also make a mean piñata. Periodically I can be seen in the kitchen elbow-deep in flour, water, newspaper, tissue paper, glue….. it tends to be my contribution to kids (and sometimes, grown-up) parties.

When the film ‘Alien’ came out I went to the pictures 8 times to see it. I kept dragging friends along saying, ‘you have to see this film’, and watching their reaction to that scene.

The most amazing place I’ve visited to date is India. I was in Mumbai for a week (for work) and the city left an indelible impression. I loved it.

I have a pathological aversion to sweet and savoury foods being together on the same plate. No. Shouldn’t be allowed. Ever. Hawaiian pizza? What kind of hell is that?

I collect malapropisms. When I hear new ones they fill me with delight. Among my recent favourites are:

‘He was telling us about his holiday but then changed the subject and went off on a tandem’

‘Don’t let them take you for a biscuit’

‘I don’t know for certain but I can give you a ballpoint estimate’

‘The trouble is, she tends to put her boyfriends on a pedal stool’

I love the opera. Some people like to bag Munros, I like to bag operas. I have an ambition to visit La Scala one day and I’m sure I’ll blub all the way through the performance from the sheer joy of just being there.

I have yet to be stung by a wasp/bee and have never broken a bone. Oops, that’ll be the kiss of death then…