Jackie Fast is an award-winning entrepreneur and bestselling author. After years of working with top clients including Red Bull, the Rolling Stones and Richard Branson she is now on a mission to dispel some myths about success – most notably that you need to follow the rules.

Rule Breaker: Rebellious Leadership for the Future of Work

Rule Breaker: Rebellious Leadership for the Future of Work

Her new book Rule Breaker: Rebellious Leadership for the Future of Work examines why old rules that used to prop up the pale, male, stale no longer work and what new rules to follow regardless of whether you run your own business, are a stay-at-home mum, or climbing the corporate ladder.

Here are Jackie Fast’s top 10 rebellious traits we should all nurture:

1. Follow your passion: This is essential. If you take just one tip away, it must be this one because it no longer pays to follow the money. The financial crisis and this latest pandemic prove that job security is a complete fabrication, so you might as well work hard at doing the things you care most about. When you follow your passion, the money will inevitably follow.

2. Stand for something: Gone are the days of diplomacy, it now pays to stand for something. Therefore, if you don’t agree with something then say so, and make changes towards a more positive outcome.

3. Break a rule: Not just any rule, but a rule that does not work for you any longer. It does not need to be a huge rule. If it makes you nervous, then start small just so you can get in the habit of breaking rules that do not matter. For instance, who says we need to wear make up for every virtual meeting? If you do not want to, stop doing it and see what happens.

4. Speak up: Your voice is important so if you do not agree with something or the direction someone is planning to take, then do not just wish it away in the hope that things will change.

5. Proactively disagree: The greatest thing the internet has provided everyone with is a voice. So, use it. If you do not agree with an article someone wrote, leave a comment and see where the online dialogue takes you.

6. Fight harder: It may come as no surprise that many old-style leaders use the word ‘no’ as a fallback position. Can I get a raise? Can I juggle childcare? Can I hire someone? The reason is because most people usually leave it there. They do not argue the reason they made the request in the first place and they rarely put up a fight about it (aside from grumbling at home, which does not serve anyone any good). Next time you ask for something, be prepared to argue why you deserve it. If it still gets turned down, then ensure the person turning you down has a legitimate reason for doing so. Otherwise, keep fighting the good fight.

7. Get active (online): Have an opinion and share it. By speaking up you will automatically attract others that are aligned to what you believe in. The more support you have, the more opportunities you will have.

8. Do not enter: Create some space for yourself that is yours – whether that is a weekly bath night with your favourite book or an area in your home that is just for you. Set boundaries. Once they are set, then do not let anyone (partner, children, cat) mess with them.

9. Lead with your values: In school everyone is always asked what they want to be when they grow up, but never what they care most about. As such, there is a disconnect between the work we do and the things we value. When you start aligning the work you do to the things you care about you will inevitably become more successful because you have an inner drive that is propelling you forward and providing the required grit needed to make it when times get tough.

9. Build a cult: Not a real one but have a network that you trust and can support you. The world is getting smaller so take advantage of the opportunities to nurture more meaningful connections.

10. Quit: If there are things you are doing that are not making you happy, then take the leap into the unknown now rather than waiting around just thinking about it. Now is the time. Due to the advance in technology, there has never been a better time to make that big move – whether that means moving across the country, radically changing careers, or starting your own business. Everything is now possible, so rouse your inner rebel and make things happen!

Jackie Fast’s new book, RULE BREAKER: Rebellious Leadership for the Future of Work, is published by Kogan Page, £14.99

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