My first career was in the law. I went to law school because I thought that a legal career would hold the keys to a bright future. I never would have predicted that I would move into entrepreneurship. It came as a surprise to me when my passionate sharing about how the moon cycles turned into a business, which happened several years ago when people started to ask how they could pay me for sessions!

Ezzie Spencer by In Her Image Photography

Ezzie Spencer by In Her Image Photography

Once I gave up tea… for about five weeks. I’ve got iron willpower, but this was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. My mother is from Belfast and tea was part of our normal routine growing up. I’m happy to report that drinking black tea is again my morning ritual – one of my favourite moments in my day is pouring the tea out of the pot. I love a good chai, with all the warming spices of ginger, cloves and star anise. Earl Grey also hits the spot for a mid-morning brew.

I only really started yoga last year … whilst meditation has been a key, free part of my daily self-care routine for over a decade, I totally missed the memo on yoga until recently. Both yin yoga and yang/hot yoga have helped me to feel more flexible and strong in my body, and help me calm my chattering mind.

I’m motivated by making a positive impact in the world …. That’s why I did a PhD on women’s wellbeing and justice, and I love to contribute behind the scenes with my time and funds to those in our society who need extra support. It’s why a core part of my Lunar Abundance practice is about sharing the love, but it’s also about ensuring that we fill up our own cup first so we can give back in a sustainable way, without burning out.

I’m an ambivert , which means that I sometimes display the qualities of an introverted personality, and at other times I am more extraverted. I only recently discovered this phrase, and it suits me perfectly. I go through phases in my life when I feel quite introverted and happy cocooning at home (for example, when I was writing my book), but recently I feel much more energised being out in the world and connecting with people in real life, rather than sitting behind the computer screen. We all have our natural ebbs and flows, so understanding and embracing all our rhythms of life makes sense to me.

I always wanted to write a book … ever since I was a little girl. I started my first novel when I was five years old, dictating to my very patient mother. That was a thinly veiled plagiarism of an Enid Blyton novel – her magical worlds were so captivating to me as a child. Seeing my book Lunar Abundance in bookshops around the globe now feels like a culmination of a dream for me. (And I still dream of writing an original novel one day!).

Lunar Abundance: Cultivating Joy, Peace, and Purpose Using the Phases of the Moon (Running Press, £16.99) by Ezzie Spencer is available now.