So far, I’ve written each of my novels in a different location of the house.

One Little Lie

One Little Lie

Saving Sophie moved around quite a lot but was mainly penned either at the breakfast bar or at the dining-room table. The majority of Bad Sister was written at the dining-room table, although I did inherit my son’s old desk for a while – until we needed to get rid of it to make way for the Christmas tree. With my latest, One Little Lie, I found myself back to being all over the place: lounge, dining-room table and my daughter’s old bedroom (during its transition stage to my son’s room, so not particularly conducive to writing!)

Finally, though – a miracle occurred. A writer’s miracle that is. I have now got MY OWN SPACE. All mine. It took a few months of painting and decorating, and various shopping trips to find the perfect desk and accessories, but when it was done I was thrilled with it. Most of book 4, which isn’t out until next year, has been written in this perfect space and my next novel will be entirely written here! Never thought I’d be able to say that.

It has been a joy to be able to retreat into my little room and allow the creativity to spill – and equally importantly, allow all my notebooks, cork board, white board and writing books to spill over too! No longer do I have to tidy everything away at the end of a writing session – I can leave my work mid-sentence if I like and return to it safe in the knowledge no one has ‘borrowed’ my laptop while my back was turned, or accidentally added a sentence mid-scene, all my notebooks will be on the page I left them, and my whiteboard will not have odd ‘additions’ to it! (I have two sons who think they are hilarious).

My little writing haven is fab! Long may I write novels here 😊

Sam Carrington’s new novel, One Little Lie, will publish in EB on 23 July 2018.