Our dogs are members of the family and nourishing them with tasty treats helps us bond with them in a really powerful way. With the festive season drawing closer, we’ll be sharing all kinds of rich and tasty foods with our families, as well as with our furry loved ones, but just like humans, our dogs can pack on the pounds if they indulge too much.

The Happy Dog Cookbook

The Happy Dog Cookbook

Sean McCormack, Head Vet at tailored pet nutrition brand tails.com and author of The Happy Dog Cookbook tells Female First what can be done to manage our dogs’ weight, not just at this time of the year, but all year round.

Learn to Body Condition Score (BCS)

Get hands on with your dog to assess the condition of their body. It’s a simple technique that checks three key areas; ribs, belly and waist. You should be able to feel the ribs with a slight covering of muscle over them, but they shouldn’t be visible. The belly should start low to the ground and slope higher the further back you run your hands towards their hind legs; a nice tummy tuck! Finally, looking down on your dog’s waist and hips from above, you should notice that this area is much narrower than the width of the chest and ribcage. Score them on a scale of 1-5, 1 being quite underweight, 5 being obese, and 3 being ideal.

Feed your dog the right amount

In the UK, over 50% of dogs are overweight or obese, and even if they don’t show signs of struggling, being overweight can make life much harder for your pet. Feeding your dog the right type and amount of food for them will ensure they lead a long and healthy life so it is really important to get the right information to make that happen. And always count treats too!

Tailor the diet

Every dog is an individual, and your dog will benefit from a personalised approach to feeding or weight management. Your dog’s diet should include a variety of protein, fat, carbs, veggies and sometimes supplements, but tailoring it to their specific needs can make all the difference. There are many so called superfood ingredients – salmon, sweet potato, beetroot, turmeric activated by black pepper. Many can help with easing aching joints, controlling sensitive digestion, calming them down when anxious, or relieving itchy skin and giving them a glossy coat.

Celebrate your milestones

Doggie treats enhance the fun we have with our dogs and are a force for good when they are healthy and used appropriately. By using the right ingredients in the treats you make at home, you know exactly what you’re feeding your pets and what it will do for their health. Whether it’s your birthday, your dog’s birthday, or you just want to celebrate a significant milestone you or your pet has reached, having these healthy treats on hand is a great way to bring your dog into your special moments, thereby strengthening the bond you have with them and their place in the family.


Just like us, your dog will gain weight if they’re eating too much and exercising too little. By regulating the amount of food and how much exercise they get each day, your dog’s quality of life will be significantly increased. Getting your dog involved in more of your outdoor activities, like walking, hiking or running, makes them an even bigger part of your family. When they’re lean and trim they’re more athletic, and will wag their tails much more, as happier, healthier dogs.

Avoid dangerous foods

Of course, there are many foods that are toxic or harmful for dogs and are much better left out of their diet. Chocolate is a big no when it comes to our four-legged friends, as are grapes, raisins and the sweetener Xylitol which is found in some peanut butters. As tempted as we are to let dogs share in our guilty pleasures, there are simply some foods that we should never feed them.

Check with the experts

Whether your dog is obese or just not at the ideal weight for its breed, investing time and energy into health will pay off in the long run. If you’re struggling to manage your dog’s weight, it’s important to speak to your vet or vet nurse team who can help you implement a diet and weight loss plan. This will help ensure your dog is a happy, healthy pooch with many more years of life ahead.