I’m a pescetarian, which simply means I love a diet of fish. Having said that, I don’t eat shell fish, shrimps or any oyster or cockle looking things, yuk! Any fish with scales will do, baked, steamed but admittedly my favourite is the unhealthy fried.

Rasheda Ashanti Malcolm

Rasheda Ashanti Malcolm

I have my own charitable foundation and a campaign running. Protect the Girl Child Campaign is about raising awareness of gender base violence and harmful cultural and traditional practices in the UK and globally. Most of these cultural and traditional practices are always done against women and girls. It infuriates me. I’m tempted to get mad, but I get awesome instead, and flirt with this self-made title, Gender Abuse Warrior. Yeah!

I’m a feminist. My fight is in getting equal human rights for women and girls, especially in the developing world. My feminist fight is about dismantling misogyny and femicide, both of them rampant across the globe. It baffles any right-thinking mind that women are killed just for being women. That we are so hated and believed to be so inferior in some societies, that killing us is normalised. This is how I translate my feminism.

I love travelling. Meeting new mannerisms and customs; learning first-hand about the human unbreakable spirit and sharing interpretations of life. The place that has impressed me the most so far is of course, Jamaica, my homeland. But I loved Ghana, Gambia, South Africa and Namibia. Their similarities were greater than their differences, as with all people of the world. Travelling adds to my love of life. The warmer the destination, the happier I am.

I love going to Spas. This is where my circle of friends and I have really good free thinking time, taking care of our bodies, minds and spirits under one roof. Later we get creative after a few glasses of wine and the laughing, talking, sharing stories and worries are let loose as we hilariously flaunt that twenty-first century Diva attitude – feel the fear and do it any damn way!

My short story, Justice, was published in a Puffin anthology called, Skin Deep.

I love great women doing great things. From rearing happy, socially healthy children to taking care of the vulnerable in our society, to running their own business empires, they inspire me.

In my eyes I have four perfect accomplishments that I am totally proud of. They call me ‘Mama.’

If I were to live life again, I would want the veteran actor, Sidney Poitier to be my husband. I fell in love with him after watching the film, To Sir With Love, and I’ve been in love with him since. He has also aged and matured like fine, fine wine and he is so adorable.

I have huge internal dialogues debating the concept of love . . . and WTF it really is.