You have an angel with you right now. Perhaps, more than one! Assigned guardian angels who forever have your back. These often-unseen allies are reaching out more and more to guide you towards creating a more fulfilling life and raising your vibration in these ever-shifting times.

The Female Archangels

The Female Archangels

Discover seven ways angels can help life your spirits with Angel Healing® Founder and best-selling author, Calista….

Letting You Know You’re Never Alone – Angels love to leave little signs, like coins, and white feathers, and can often inspire you to look at the clock when repetitive number sequences show up, like 11:11 or 22:22. Such signs bring the reassurance – irrespective of what is taking place in your life – that angels are on your side.

Helping You to Fly Towards Your Dreams – If you ever have a consistent thought that’s urging you to take the next step in your life, and if that sense gives you a positive, expansive feeling, know it’s your angels championing you forward! Trust these thoughts, feelings, and urges as you move in the direction of your dreams.

Answering Your Questions – Do you own a set of angel oracle cards, or an angel book? If you do, come into a meditative state, and hold in your heart a question you’d like answered. Shuffle the cards and select one you’re drawn to or open the book at random and read what you see. This simple but effective technique draws from the Law of Attraction and the power of your own guardian angels and can bring you extra clarity in times of need.

Guiding You to the Lighter Side – Angels are always inspiring us to be the calming eye of life storms. We can become this by breathing deeply into the moment we’re in. This gives us a higher 360 perspective and helps us to find the underlying humour and lightness to navigate our way through any situations.

RELATED: Tessa Harris discusses her new book 'The Angel Makers'

Highlighting Your Blessings – As I write this – asking the angels to dictate the words – my gaze is taken to a desk picture of my three children. Their beaming smiles reflect how joyful my life is, no matter how busy they can make it! ;) Angels mirror this, too. In our ever-shifting world, look for (and rejoice in) the blessings that are always there.

Raising Self-Love – Through the eyes of the angels, you are perfect, healthy, abundant, worthy, and loved beyond measure. Whether you feel this about yourself or not, know your angels never wish for you to identity with anything that is less than you divinely are. By consciously inviting your guardian angels into your life, you’ll begin the process of melting away limiting beliefs of lack, dis-ease, and unworthiness.

Creating A Brighter World – Through connecting with angels, you bring their Light to Earth, and with it, help to raise the vibratory frequency of not just you and your life, but the whole world, too, and all the generations to come!

To meet your guardian angels and discover more ways to work together, enjoy the new no.1 best-seller, The Female Archangels: Evolutionary Teachings to Heal and Empower Your Life by Calista – available on Amazon and all good book stores.

RELATED: 7 ways angels have brought me comfort during my most difficult times

The first time I was helped by angels was when I was 3 years old. Not only did they continue to comfort me through an incredibly tough childhood, they often guided me to safety when I needed their protection, to people who would support me when I was alone and taught me how to have faith in them for when I would need to call upon them later as an adult... to read move click HERE