By Selina Barker and Vicki Pavitt

Project Love

Project Love

Founders of Project Love and creators of the ‘Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020’ journal

Reflect on the year you’ve just lived

As one year comes to an end and another begins, take a moment to reflect and take stock of the year you’ve just lived. Who and what are you grateful for? What were some of your happiest moments from 2019? What were some of the most challenging times from this past year? Use this to help you to get clear on what you want more of in 2020 and want you want less of.

Set an intention for your year

What would you love 2020 to be all about? How would you love to feel? Is there a goal, project or dream that you want to bring to life this year? Is there a big change that you’d like to make in 2020 (like a career change or transforming your love life)? Is there something that you’d like to cultivate in your life, like ‘love’, ‘fun’ or ‘calm’? Use these questions to set your intention for 2020 and let your intention guide the choices that you make and actions that you take throughout the year .

Fill your life with the things that make you happy

Write a list of all the things that make you happy in life: the activities that make you come alive, the people you love to spend time with and the environments you thrive in. Think of the day-to-day things that make you happy, like walking through the park and the once-a-year experiences that make you happy, like a beach holiday. Then get out your calendar and schedule all those things into your life.

Allow yourself to dream

In order to live a life you really love, you have to first be able to dream it up. And that means taking the time to let your imagination free and ask yourself ‘If I had a magic wand, what life would I dream up for myself’ or ‘If I won the lottery and could stop working for a year and just do what I wanted, what would I do?’.

Bring those dreams to life

Once you’ve allowed yourself to imagine your dream life, it’s time to make those dreams come true. Even the biggest, wildest dreams can be brought to life by asking yourself ‘What can I do today that will bring that dream of mine to life, even if in a small way?’ or ‘What is the first step I can take in the direction of that dream?’. Then turn those ideas into projects and actions that can be scheduled into your calendar. And just like that your dreams will start to become real.

Cultivate daily acts of self love and self care

Get into the habit of doing one loving thing for yourself each day and become an expert at looking after yourself. Whether that is taking a proper lunch break, buying yourself flowers, cooking yourself your favourite meal or ending a busy day soaking in a hot bath. Just one conscious act of love each day can make such a difference to how you feel on a day-to-day basis.

Take time to celebrate yourself

As well as celebrating others, make 2020 the year that you celebrate yourself too. Why? because what you focus on expands. Celebrate the small wins and the big wins in your life. Give gratitude for all that you are learning and all of the ways that you are growing and progressing. Let yourself be proud of how far you’ve come and remind yourself that you’re doing great. You deserve your own celebration!

‘Goodbye 2019 Hello 2020: Create a life you love this year’ by Project Love, is published by Pavilion Books.